The Gothic buildings of Toruń's Old Town, which won the designation of World Heritage Site from UNESCO in 1997.
They present proof of Toruń's centuries-old economic, cultural and intellectual ties with the leading cities of Europe associated in the Hanseatic League.
On picture: barocco top of altar from St. Virgin Mary gothic church.
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Friday, February 1, 2008
THEME DAY: "When People think of my city, they think of... " (50)
Posted by
Torun Observer
11:42 AM
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What a beautiful church. Am learning so much today whizzing around the world. I didn't know Torun was known for its Gothic buildings.
I hope that with the unesco designation that more people discover these magnificent buildings!
Some words about this unique church: "An old Franciscan church, built in stages since the middle of the 14th century. Inside there are precious gothic paintings, oak stalls from the beginning of the 15th century, many, mostly renaissance epitaphs, church organ gallery with a pulpit and late baroque high altar. In the presbytery from 1636, there is the mausoleum of Anna Wazówna, sister to the king of Poland Zygmunt III Waza."
A beautiful photo....Very pretty.
Yes, when I think about Poland (because i dindnt knew Torun) I think about culture and the Pope.
Absolutely lovely!
Great shot. Love the architecture. And the composition - light, colour, angle.
Do swing by Norwich Daily Photo!
A Pinay In England
The Goddess In You
All of you are are very kind :-)
I didn't get around much on Theme Day, but I want to remedy that now with a visit. Great choice!
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